Population genetics of P. falciparum parasites in Kenya

Together with colleagues at the United States Army Medical Research Directorate in Kenya, Edwin Kamau is investigating population structure and signals of selection from anti-malarial drug resistance of P. falciparum in Kenya. The aim is to analyse the parasite's genetic diversity to inform malaria control policy in sub-Saharan Africa. Specific focus will be on finding molecular markers of antmalarial drug resistance, measuring frequencies or novel markers of resistance to artemisinin, comparing heterozygosity by conventional MoI and FWs metric and monitor the emergence and spread of artemisinin resistance in sub-Saharan Africa. This study is contributing to the Plasmodium Diversity Network Africa (PDNA), an African-led network investigating the genetic diversity and drug resistance of Plasmodium parasites across Africa.



QC Pass

Samples that passed Whole-Genome Sequencing Quality Control (QC)


Predicted resistance status for main antimalarial drug treatments from molecular markers




QC Pass

Samples that passed Whole-Genome Sequencing Quality Control (QC)


Predicted resistance status for main antimalarial drug treatments from molecular markers