Plasmodium falciparum clearance times in Malian villages following artesunate monotherapy

A multicentre study to evaluate the in vivo, in vitro and molecular efficacy of artesunate in monotherapy for the uncomplicated malaria treatment is currently running in two study sites in Mali; Bougoula-hameau, at 350 Km from the capital town in an holo-endemic village with seasonal malaria between June and January, Faladje, a meso-endemic village at 80 Km from the capital town with a malaria transmission between July and December between Jun and November. The full study will cover 12 months including two transmission seasons. During a longitudinal survey, we expect 300 uncomplicated malaria patients to be enrolled. Microscopy confirmed malaria patients will be treated with artesunate and blood samples will be collected prior and after the treatment. Parasites genotype will be associated to the in vivo parasite clearance. According to our objectives to genotype parasites samples from this study either by PCR or sequencing, we envisage to analyse genetic diversities that can have correlation with the parasite in vivo and in vitro response to artesunate treatment. Thus this project of SpotMalaria providing data on resistance markers but also other genetic markers will be a great opportunity to our study in getting access to a high throughput system and a wide range of markers which might not be available from our institution. It will give this study more data to look through as the actual available markers for artemisinines are the ones described for the Asian continent.



QC Pass

Samples that passed Whole-Genome Sequencing Quality Control (QC)


Predicted resistance status for main antimalarial drug treatments from molecular markers




QC Pass

Samples that passed Whole-Genome Sequencing Quality Control (QC)


Predicted resistance status for main antimalarial drug treatments from molecular markers



QC Pass

Samples that passed Whole-Genome Sequencing Quality Control (QC)


Predicted resistance status for main antimalarial drug treatments from molecular markers