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Our projects provide a framework for malaria researchers around the world to work together on large-scale studies that combine epidemiology with the analysis of genome variation to better understand the evolutionary battle between human hosts, malaria parasites, and the mosquito vector.

Started 2018
Using whole-genome sequencing for enhanced monitoring and surveillance of the major African malaria vector Anopheles funestus.
Started 2021
Using whole-genome sequencing for enhanced monitoring and surveillance of major malaria vectors in the Anopheles gambiae species complex.
Started 2010
The P. falciparum Community Project provides researchers with high-quality genotypes linked to a global resource characterising genetic variation in P. falciparum populations.
Started 2010
The P. falciparum Genetic Crosses project is generating high-quality data on genome sequence variation and sexual recombination for the parents and progeny of parasite crosses.
Started 2010
The P. vivax Genome Variation project aims to understand genome diversity of this parasite that, because it can remain dormant in the liver for years, is particularly hard to eliminate using conventional malaria control measures.
Started 2014
Ag1000G is an international collaboration using whole genome deep sequencing to provide a high-resolution view of genetic variation in natural populations of Anopheles gambiae, the principal vector of Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Africa.
Started 2005
Consortial Project 1 investigated human genetic factors involved in resistance to severe malaria in order to better understand why, in regions where people are repeatedly exposed to malaria parasites, some people die from the infection while others survive.
Started 2005
Consortial Project 2 studied the human genetic factors suspected to influence the antibody response to malaria parasite antigens, with a particular focus on antigens that are being strongly considered for vaccine development.
Started 2005
Consortial Project 3 used whole genome sequencing to identify genetic diversity in genes known to be associated with resistance to severe malaria, within and across malaria-endemic populations.
Started 2005
Consortial Project 4 set out to find the specific genes responsible for malaria resistance within genomic regions identified in previous genetic linkage studies.
Started 2016
GenRe-Mekong (Genetic Reconnaissance of Malaria in the Greater Mekong Subregion) is a genetic surveillance project, aiming to provide National Malaria Control Programmes (NMCPs) in the Greater Mekong Subregion and other public health stakeholders with timely and actionable knowledge to support their decision-making in activities relevant to malaria elimination efforts.
Started 2022
Malaria is one of the greatest public health challenges facing countries in West Africa. It is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths every year and disproportionately affects children in this region of the world. By better understanding the genomic landscape of malaria parasites and vectors in this region, National Malaria Control Programs (NMCPs) can better tailor their responses and save lives. This project will establish the scientific, technical, and operational infrastructure for regional genomic surveillance hubs in West Africa.
Started 2022
Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and led by The Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA), this collaboration aims to establish a new programme of genomic research and data generation on African malaria vectors.
Started 2017
This project aims to create a robust network of African scientists – within and outside Africa– in collaboration with leading researchers around the world, who use the latest genetics and genomics science to contribute towards malaria elimination efforts in Africa. By combining data from across the continent and from across human, parasite, and vector samples, PAMGEN will better understand the deadly evolutionary arms race of malaria.
Started 2014
Pf3k is an international collaboration using the latest sequencing technologies to provide a high-resolution view of natural variation in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum.
Started 2015
SpotMalaria harnesses genomic technologies to monitor the global evolution of malaria parasites, delivering knowledge that will increase the efficiency of malaria elimination and eradication efforts.
Started 2019
Vector Observatory – Asia connects research groups that are investigating the population structure and diversity of malaria vectors in Asia. This centres on multiple vectors from the Greater Mekong Subregion in Southeast Asia, where drug-resistant malaria parasites are emerging and spreading. This research is expanding the range of mosquito species that are represented in our whole genome data.