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Mosquito data tools

MalariaGEN is developing open source tools to enable researchers around the world to access and analyse mosquito genome variation data. Given the scale of the data, we are currently focused on enabling users to access the data in the cloud and to use free interactive computing services.

Latest mosquito data tool

MalariaGEN vector data user guide

To ensure that data generated by MalariaGEN can be accessed and analysed by a wide range of different users, we are developing a user guide for our mosquito genome variation data resources. The user guide provides information about accessing data in the cloud or downloading data, and includes a library of executable Jupyter notebooks that give worked examples for exploring and analysing different facets of the data.

Earlier data exploration tools

Over the years, MalariaGEN has developed tools to support data exploration and visualisation and to acknowledge the community of researchers that built the resource. While the applications have not been updated to the latest exploration tools, and the data may have been superseded, the tools themselves provide a window into specific data sets and projects and are still being used today.

Ag1000G phase 1 data exploration tool
Built on the Panoptes framework, this application served data on 765 mosquito samples from 8 countries (phase 1 AR3 data set). This data has been superseded.